Sunday, August 21, 2011

An "Aha" Wellness Moment....

The word wellness. What does it mean to you? The definition says, "an approach that emphasizes the whole person - body, mind, & soul" It's not just about what I put in my mouth, how much physical activity I'm about how much time I dedicate to my family and friends? I will say that my recent past...let's say at least 2 years, I haven't been great at keeping up with friends, I hardly call anyone, hardly set up friend "dates", hell, I hardly put the priority on time with my husband and dog(s).

My dad sneaks in on occasion, "you are so much like your mother"....this is always after I tell him about my work schedule. My mom, even though retired, worked until about 10 months before she died. She really did love her work and by no means did she have a white collar job. I think it was the feeling of importance and being around people. I never heard her complain about going to work.

I've always did what I had to do, always legal of course ;), to make money and survive. I'm just now working smarter, not necessarily harder. When you're working all the time, you hardly have enough time to take care of all the necessities (food shopping, cleaning, paying bills, etc) that guess what gets left behind....YOURSELF!!!!

So what have I done in the past couple of weeks to live life?
1. Had a Bon Voyage dinner with a co-worker to send her off climbing Mt. Kilamanjaro.
2. Had a double date dinner with some friends.
3. Cocktails and bites with the girls.
4. 2 going away parties this weekend.
5. While my hubby had to work in Collbran, we made it a quick camping trip to Vega Reservoir.

So that has been my AHA moment recently....It is just as important to plan time with my friends as it is my workout and meal planning. This is what satisfies my whole person....My Wellness....

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